YThe data of RAZ's mobility initiative in Sancho el Sabio street, in Donostia, can already be consulted. It has been developed within the context of the call for ideas SmartKalea by Fomento de San Sebastián.
On 20 September, Fomento San Sebastián presented the SmartKalea project at the first edition of the BY&FORCITIZENS congress on the Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions in Valladolid, organised by the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Valladolid City Council, and the organisation Cartif and ICE. The event brought together around 250 participants from the public and private sector, of different nationalities, as well as representatives of the European Commission, giving them the opportunity to share experiences, ideas and best practices for the sustainable regeneration of cities.
Fomento de San Sebastián has attended the Energy Efficiency event within the international MOS fair, which was held in Celje, Slovenia on 12 th September. The seminar, which fell into the framework of the activities of the European CLEAN project in which Fomento San Sebastián participates, consisted of an energy conference in which the leading agents and experts in Slovenia participated, revealing the actions that have been undertaken in Slovenia, such as energy rehabilitation, energy management or bio- insulation ...
The SmartKalea Experience initiative proposes a Geomarketing and Beacons solution through the SmartKalea ATPoints application. The ATPoints SmartKalea application is a mobile application that citizens can download free of charge and will enable them to receive information on promotions at the SmartKalea commercial establishments on the Calle Mayor in the Old Quarter of San Sebastian, as they walk past them ...
Within the framework of the European CLEAN project (Interreg Europe-EU) in which Fomento de San Sebastián participates as a partner, the first exchange of experiences took place in San Sebastian on 23rd and 24th January 2018. More specifically, partners from Normandy (France), from 7VENTS, and the partners from Naples (Italy), from ANEA, participated.
The Smart strategy followed by Donostia / San Sebastián with the aim to improve quality of the city is highlighted in the article, through its referent projects SmartKalea and its public-private partnership, as well as the european "lighthouse" project Replicate, H2020 program, both coordinated by Fomento de San Sebastián ...
La Concejalía de Impulso Económico, a través de Fomento de San Sebastián como entidad miembro de la red, ha ejercido de anfitriona de la reunión del Foro de Desarrollo Económico de Eurocities, la red de ciudades más importante de Europa, que durante tres días (24-26 de abril) ...
The specialised magazine "Equipamientos y Servicios Municipales" (Municipal Equipments and Services) publishes an article on "SmartKalea: A project to promote sustainable development through ICTs"
On June 16 at 7:30 pm, an information day at Punto Denda was held to make known the details of the second phase of the users expansion of the SmartKalea project. In this second phase ...
SMARTKALEA, a project led by Fomento de San Sebastián, was created with the aim of promoting environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, citizenship ...
On February 10, a conference on the SmartKalea project was held at Talent House, where several departments of the City Council of Donostia, technology providers, businesses, stores ...
The conference will take place on February 10 at Talent House and the Smart Kalea project will be explained, where several departments of the City Council of Donostia ...
YThe data of RAZ's mobility initiative in Sancho el Sabio street, in Donostia, can already be consulted. It has been developed within the context of the call for ideas SmartKalea by Fomento de San Sebastián.
On 20 September, Fomento San Sebastián presented the SmartKalea project at the first edition of the BY&FORCITIZENS congress on the Smart Regeneration of Cities and Regions in Valladolid, organised by the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Valladolid City Council, and the organisation Cartif and ICE. The event brought together around 250 participants from the public and private sector, of different nationalities, as well as representatives of the European Commission, giving them the opportunity to share experiences, ideas and best practices for the sustainable regeneration of cities.
Fomento de San Sebastián has attended the Energy Efficiency event within the international MOS fair, which was held in Celje, Slovenia on 12 th September. The seminar, which fell into the framework of the activities of the European CLEAN project in which Fomento San Sebastián participates, consisted of an energy conference in which the leading agents and experts in Slovenia participated, revealing the actions that have been undertaken in Slovenia, such as energy rehabilitation, energy management or bio- insulation ...
The SmartKalea Experience initiative proposes a Geomarketing and Beacons solution through the SmartKalea ATPoints application. The ATPoints SmartKalea application is a mobile application that citizens can download free of charge and will enable them to receive information on promotions at the SmartKalea commercial establishments on the Calle Mayor in the Old Quarter of San Sebastian, as they walk past them ...
Within the framework of the European CLEAN project (Interreg Europe-EU) in which Fomento de San Sebastián participates as a partner, the first exchange of experiences took place in San Sebastian on 23rd and 24th January 2018. More specifically, partners from Normandy (France), from 7VENTS, and the partners from Naples (Italy), from ANEA, participated.
Project executed within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU and by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and by the Department of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government.
© 2025 Fomento de San Sebastián.